We are here to answer your questions 24/7

Are all your translations certified?

Yes, all of our translations are done on company letterhead and accompanied by our stamp and certification of translation accuracy.

Are your translations widely accepted?

Yes, our translations are accepted by the USCIS, courts, colleges, assessment services, banks and other US government, academic and private institutions.

Do you offer notarized translations?

Unlike Brazil, in the United States, a notarization does not serve as a document certification, but simply as a signature verification. In the case of a notarized translation, you would be basically authenticating the signature of the translator in the certification. Public Notaries charge about $ 15 in the state of California, and the use of notarizations for translation is unnecessary, taking into account that you are hiring a company with a good reputation and able to certify their own translations free of extra charges.

How long will it take for my translation project?

The delivery time depends on each specific project. While our normal delivery of personal documents can be done in just two days, longer or more elaborate documents can take more time. Get in touch to get a quote that fits your specific needs.

Can larger projects get special prices?

Yes! If you have more than 4 pages to translate, we consider a price that starts at $30 per page.

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